Intellectual Property and Enterprise in May

May’s theme will be Intellectual Property and Enterprise.
Join us for an informal 20 minute session. Just turn up, no need to book. Tea/coffee and cake provided.

Licensing your work with Creative Commons
Thursday 4th May, 12.00, Bowland North SR 3. Live stream
Creative Commons licences and how they communicate what others can do with your work.
Lorna Pimperton, Academic Liaison Librarian & Copyright Officer, Library

Filing and commercialising a patent based on your research
Monday 8th May, 12.00, Bowland North SR 3
Using patents to generate impact and revenue from your research.
Gavin Smith, Intellectual Property Development Manager, Research and Enterprise Services

Using copyright material in your research. 
Wednesday 10th May, 12.00, Bowland North SR 3. Live stream
What to do about third party copyright in your thesis or research output, and how to navigate the grey area of ‘fair dealing’.
Lorna Pimperton, Academic Liaison Librarian & Copyright Officer, Library

Trademarks, design rights and copyright
Thursday 11th May, 12.00, Bowland North SR 3
Expert advice on intellectual property rights, other than patents, for your invention or research output.
Gavin Smith, Intellectual Property Development Manager, Research and Enterprise Services

Starting a spin-out company from your research. 
Monday 22nd May, 12.00, Bowland North SR 3.
Expert advice on forming a university company, running a company and obtaining finance.
Gavin Smith, Intellectual Property Officer, Research and Enterprise Services

How do I engage with business, and get industry partnerships?
Wednesday 31st May, 12.00, 12.00, Bowland North SR 3. Live stream
A look at how to gain more meaningful and productive relationships with external partners and how be proactive in forming successful collaborative research partnerships.
Nick King/Colin McLaughlin, Business Partnerships Team, Faculty of Science and Technology